The old SmashBoards framedata thread has the wrong info (or rather, version 1.0.0 info) for Ganon N-Air: it autocancels frame 26 and later, not frame 23 and later. This affects how we can SHFF AC with it. Generally it’s best to target 2 frame input windows if you want consistency with a technique, so the fastest way to SHFFAC N-Air with this approach is to N-Air frame 1-2 airborne, and FF frame 21-22. After accounting for instant gravity on frame 1 N-Air, this still results in an AC for any of the four input combinations.
N-Air f1, FF f21: AC f27
N-Air f1, FF f22: AC f28
N-Air f2, FF f21: AC f28
N-Air f2, FF f22: AC f29
If you hit both frames of both inputs with equal frequency, you will average a 4 frame savings versus the same N-Air inputs with no FF.
Against characters whose shields are hit by rising SH Instant N-Air, unstaled N-Air will always beat frame-perfect shield grab. Then, SHFFAC will result in being -3 or -4 on shield, allowing a jab to hit all but frame perfect shield grabs on unlucky input combos, or simply allowing Ganon to dash out of shield grab range. Note that roll, spotdodge, and faster-than-grab options out of shield will beat this out - however, if they roll after the first hit of N-Air, you will be actionable AT LEAST 11 frame before they finish rolling, allowing you to punish or take positional advantage on reaction.
Frame 1 gravity + buffer FF doesn’t interact with B-Air autocancelling, it just makes it better/faster, so you don’t really need to adjust that. The lowest possible AC B-Air is important because it’s easy to whiff rising B-Air against grounded (esp. low-profile) opponents. Standard SHFF B-Air can be AC’d on frame 6 at the latest, meaning it’s active from frame 15-20 of jump. This hits its lowest on frame 20 (9.56 units). The FF is buffered, so it poses no issue. Frame 5 B-Air, however, results in a minimum height of 12.16u. The lowest B-Air is frame 10 B-Air followed by frame 21 fastfall, but the 2x2 set of inputs for this (FF 21-22, B-Air 9-10) has an average lowest height value of 10.4675, versus the normal SHFF frame 5-6 B-Air’s average of 10.86, making the benefit of specifically practicing this low B-Air marginal. One interesting thing to note, though, is that these same heights are hit in the SHFF AC N-Air input, meaning that the N-Air inputs you’ll already be practicing will be decent for covering low space.